
  • 6 Helpful Tips To Surviving The Holidays While Trying To Get Pregnant

    6 helpful tips to surviving the holidays while trying to get pregnant

    UGGGG…. the holiday’s are here and here comes all the joy and cheer. I wasn’t always this way around the holidays. I used to love the Christmas lights and music, family and friends getting together and playing games (plus all the yummy food) and I even used to get excited for all the Christmas cards […]

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  • Stop Saying These 7 Things To Women Who Are Struggling With Infertility

    Stop Saying These 7 Things To Women Who Are Struggling With Infertility

    Worried that you need to stop saying certain things to women struggling with fertility? Well the first step is to get a brief insight on what infertility is. If you aren’t struggling with your fertility, chances are, you don’t know a whole lot about it and you sure don’t understand what it’s like to have […]

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  • 31 Fertility Affirmations For Hopeful Mommies To Be

    31 Fertility Affirmations for hopeful mommies to be

    Affirmations are powerful, positive statements that are used to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts (why do I feel like this definition is pointing fingers directly at me?). These short, encouraging phrases are designed to shift your mindset, boost your self-esteem, and gain a more optimistic outlook on your fertility journey and frankly life […]

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